Can You Sell Physical Products On Kajabi?

Key Takeaways:

• Kajabi allows selling physical products, but it’s not its primary focus
• No built-in shipping functionality for physical products
• Integration with platforms like Shopify or Amazon is possible
• Zapier can automate shipping processes
• Kajabi excels in selling digital products

Are you an entrepreneur wanting to sell physical products online? You may have heard of Kajabi, a well-known platform for digital products, and wondered if it can help with your physical items too. You’re in the right place!

Kajabi is well-known for online courses and digital content. But what if your business sells physical products that need to be shipped? Can Kajabi do that? The answer is yes, but there’s more to it.

We’ll explore how Kajabi works with physical products, its limitations, and some smart ways to make it work for you. Whether you’re thinking about using Kajabi for your online store or already have it and want to add physical items, this blog post will help you understand what you can do and how to do it.

Understanding Kajabi’s Primary Focus

Kajabi is a powerful platform designed primarily for creating, marketing, and selling digital products. It’s the go-to choice for many online entrepreneurs who want to offer:

  • Online courses
  • E-books
  • Membership sites
  • Webinars
  • Digital downloads

While Kajabi shines in the digital product space, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it for physical products. However, it’s essential to understand its limitations and strengths before deciding if it’s the right fit for your physical product business.

The Challenge: No Built-in Shipping Functionality

The main hurdle when selling physical products on Kajabi is the lack of built-in shipping functionality. This means:

  • You can’t automatically calculate shipping costs
  • There’s no integrated inventory management
  • Order fulfillment isn’t streamlined within the platform

For businesses primarily focused on physical products, this can be a significant drawback. But don’t worry – there are ways to work around this limitation.

Integrating with E-commerce Platforms

One of the best solutions for selling physical products on Kajabi is to integrate it with dedicated e-commerce platforms. Here are some options:

1. Shopify Integration 

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that specializes in physical product sales. By integrating Shopify with your Kajabi site, you can:

  • Use Shopify’s Buy Button on your Kajabi pages
  • Benefit from Shopify’s robust shipping and inventory features
  • Maintain your Kajabi branding and user experience

To make this work, you’ll need to be on Kajabi’s Pro plan or have a Kajabi Access subscription. These higher-tier plans give you access to the Kajabi Code Editor, which is necessary for embedding Shopify’s Buy Button.

2. WordPress Integration

If you’re familiar with WordPress, you can integrate it with Kajabi to handle physical product sales. This approach allows you to:

  • Use WordPress e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce
  • Customize your store’s functionality
  • Keep your main content and digital products on Kajabi

3. Amazon Integration

For those who already sell on Amazon or want to tap into its vast customer base, integrating Amazon with Kajabi can be a smart move. This setup lets you:

  • List your products on Amazon’s marketplace
  • Use Amazon’s fulfillment services
  • Drive traffic from Amazon to your Kajabi site for digital offerings

Automating Shipping with Zapier

Another way to overcome Kajabi’s lack of built-in shipping features is by using Zapier. This powerful automation tool can connect Kajabi with various shipping software. Here’s how it works:

  • Set up a Zap (automated workflow) in Zapier
  • Connect your Kajabi account to your preferred shipping software
  • Create a trigger that activates when a purchase is made on Kajabi
  • Automate the creation of shipping labels and order processing

This solution can save you time and reduce manual errors in your order fulfillment process.

What Kind of Products Can You Sell in Kajabi?

To make the most of Kajabi’s strengths, consider expanding your offerings to include digital products. Here are some ideas:

  • Online Courses: Create comprehensive classes on topics related to your physical products. For example, if you sell cooking utensils, you could offer cooking courses.
  • E-books: Write and sell digital guides that complement your physical products. This could be recipe books, user manuals, or in-depth product guides.
  • How-to Guides: Develop step-by-step tutorials that show customers how to use your products effectively.
  • Podcasts: Start a podcast discussing topics relevant to your industry and offer exclusive episodes to paying customers.
  • Music: If your physical products are music-related, you could sell digital music files alongside instruments or accessories.
  • Photography: Sell high-quality digital photos that complement your physical photo products or printing services.
  • Research & Data: Offer market research or industry data reports that relate to your physical products.
  • Applications: Develop and sell software applications that enhance the use of your physical products.
  • Graphic Arts Bundles: Create and sell digital design assets that pair well with any physical design tools or products you offer.
  • Webinars: Host live or pre-recorded webinars that showcase your products or provide valuable information to your audience.

Making the Most of Kajabi for Your Business

While Kajabi may not be the perfect solution for exclusively selling physical products, it can be an excellent platform for businesses that offer a mix of physical and digital products. Here’s how to make the most of it:

1. Use Kajabi’s Strong Points:

  • Leverage its marketing tools to promote both physical and digital products
  • Create a professional-looking website to showcase all your offerings
  • Use its course creation tools to add value to your physical products

2. Integrate with e-commerce platforms:

  • Connect with Shopify, WordPress, or Amazon for better physical product handling
  • Use Zapier to automate shipping and order processing

3. Expand your Product Line:

  • Develop digital products that complement your physical offerings
  • Use Kajabi’s tools to create and sell these digital products seamlessly

4. Build a Community:

  • Use Kajabi’s community features to engage with customers
  • Offer exclusive content or early access to products for members

5. Analyze and Optimize:

  • Use Kajabi’s analytics to understand customer behavior
  • Adjust your strategy based on what sells best (physical or digital)

Final Thought

In short, Kajabi can be a valuable platform for selling both physical and digital products, especially if your business model integrates the two. While it offers powerful marketing tools and a cohesive brand experience, consider your long-term scalability needs and the potential complexities of managing multiple platforms. If physical products complement your digital offerings, Kajabi may be an excellent choice for building a knowledge commerce business that includes physical sales. With the right integrations and strategy, you can make the most of Kajabi’s strengths to grow your business.

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