Kajabi Upsells & Order Bumps


• An upsell on Kajabi encourages customers to buy a related, often pricier product after purchase.
• An order bump is a low-cost add-on presented at checkout, enhancing the main product.
• Both strategies increase revenue by tapping into customers’ willingness to spend and improving their experience.

Are you looking to make more money from your Kajabi store? Well, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to talk about two super helpful strategies: upsells and order bumps. These two strategies can significantly increase your revenue by tapping into customers’ willingness to spend and enhancing their overall experience on your site. Let’s dive in and learn more about them!

Upsells on Kajabi

An upsell is a sales technique where a customer is encouraged to purchase a related, often pricier product after they have already made a purchase. The idea behind an upsell is to increase the overall value of each transaction and make more money from your customers.

On Kajabi, you can easily set up upsells for any of your digital products or online courses. Here are some key points to keep in mind when creating an upsell on Kajabi:

  • Make sure the upsell is relevant and complementary to the initial purchase.
  • Offer a discounted price for the upsell to entice customers.
  • Use persuasive language and visuals to showcase the value of the upsell.
  • Set up a time limit or scarcity element to create a sense of urgency for customers to make the purchase.
  • Test different upsells and track their performance to find out what works best for your audience.

Some examples of upsells on Kajabi could include:

  • A more advanced course related to the initial purchase
  • Access to exclusive content or resources
  • Personalized coaching or consulting services

Order Bumps on Kajabi

An order bump is a low-cost add-on that is presented at checkout, offering customers an opportunity to enhance their main product purchase. Order bumps are great because they are low-cost and can significantly increase your average order value. Here’s what you need to know about using order bumps on Kajabi:

  • Offer a small, affordable product or service as the order bump.
  • Make sure the order bump is relevant and complementary to the main product.
  • Use persuasive language and visuals to showcase the value of the order bump.
  • Consider offering a discount or bonus for purchasing the order bump.
  • Test different order bumps and track their performance to find out what works best for your audience.

Here are some examples of order bumps on Kajabi:

  • An ebook or guide related to the main product
  • Access to a private Facebook group for support and community
  • Additional templates or resources to enhance the main product

Difference Between Upsells and Order Bumps

While both upsells and order bumps aim to increase revenue, there are some key differences between the two strategies:

  • Upsells occur after a customer has already made a purchase, while order bumps are presented at checkout.
  • Upsells typically involve more expensive products or services, while order bumps are low-cost add-ons.
  • Upsells usually offer an entirely different product or service, while order bumps enhance the main product.
  • For upsells, customers have to go through a separate checkout process, while order bumps can be added with just one click.

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Benefits of Using Upsells and Order Bumps on Kajabi

Now that we’ve covered what upsells and order bumps are and how to use them, let’s talk about the benefits of incorporating these strategies into your Kajabi store.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Upsells and order bumps aren’t just about selling more; they’re about giving your customers a better experience. When you offer products or services that go well with what they already bought, you make them happier. For example, if someone buys an online course, they might like an upsell for one-on-one coaching sessions, making their learning more personal. This special touch helps customers feel appreciated and builds a good relationship with your brand.

Increased Average Order Value

One major benefit of upsells and order bumps is that they boost the average order value. By showing extra offers that match what customers like, you can encourage them to spend more than they originally intended. This not only increases your immediate sales but also enhances the long-term value of each customer. For example, adding an order bump at checkout, like an e-book or special content, can turn a unsure shopper into a loyal buyer.

Improved Customer Retention

Upsells and order bumps are important for keeping customers coming back. When customers feel they are getting extra value from their purchases, they are more likely to return. You can make this feeling even stronger by adding a sense of urgency, like limited-time deals or special bonuses, which encourage customers to buy quickly. Over time, these positive experiences help build trust and lead to more customers sticking around.

Enhanced Brand Perception

Another significant benefit of using upsells and order bumps is the positive impact on your brand perception. When customers receive personalized offers that genuinely enhance their purchases, it demonstrates that you understand their needs and preferences. This level of attentiveness can foster loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth referrals, as satisfied customers are more likely to share their positive experiences with others. By consistently providing valuable upsell and order bump options, you cultivate a reputation for quality and customer care, setting your brand apart in a competitive marketplace.

Psychological Aspects

The psychological side of upselling and order bumps is really important. By understanding human behaviors like the fear of missing out (FOMO) and the desire for extra value, these methods can work very well. For example, offering a limited-time discount on an upsell creates urgency, encouraging customers to act quickly so they don’t miss out. Also, showing a clear value for a small, affordable order bump makes the offer hard to resist, helping to boost sales.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Upsells and Order Bumps

While upsells and order bumps are powerful tools to increase revenue, businesses often make common mistakes that can hinder their effectiveness. Here’s a look at these mistakes and how you can avoid them to ensure your strategies are successful.

Overloading Customers with Too Many Offers

One common mistake is overwhelming customers with too many upsells and extra offers. When customers get hit with too many choices, they might feel confused and give up on their purchase. To prevent this, keep the number of extra offers at checkout to a minimum. Choose a few great offers that really go well with the main item instead of offering too many.

Misaligning Offers with Customer Needs

A common mistake is not matching upsells and order bumps with what customers really want or need. If the extra offers don’t relate to what they initially bought, they probably won’t care. To get it right, take time to understand your customer’s journey and choices. Pick upsells and order bumps that go well with the main product to make it more valuable and useful.

Neglecting to Test Different Approaches

Not testing and improving your upsell and order bump offers can mean losing out on chances to sell more. What works for one group might not work for another. To prevent this, try out different offers, prices, and messages regularly. Use Kajabi’s analytics to see how well they’re doing and learn from the results. Find out which offers get the best response and adjust your approach accordingly.

Tips for Avoiding These Mistakes

  1. Keep It Simple: Limit the number of additional offers to avoid overwhelming customers. A streamlined approach is more likely to result in conversions.
  2. Relevance Is Key: Ensure every upsell and order bump is directly related to the original purchase. This maximizes perceived value and increases the likelihood of acceptance.
  3. Continuous Testing: Try out different offers and see how they perform. Use what you learn from the data to improve your strategy over time.
  4. Avoid Pushy Tactics: Upselling and order bumps should feel like a natural part of what the customer is already buying, not just extra things they have to get. Use friendly words and attractive pictures to make these offers look good, instead of pushing customers to buy more.
  5. Prioritize Customer Experience: While upsells and order bumps can lead to increased revenue, remember that they should also enhance the overall customer experience. Focus on adding value for your customers, rather than solely focusing on making more sales.

Avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on your customers can help you use upsells and order bumps to increase your sales and improve the customer experience.

Final Thoughts

Implementing upsells and order bumps on your Kajabi site is a great way to increase your revenue and improve the overall experience for your customers. Remember to keep them relevant, offer incentives, and test different strategies to find out what works best for your audience. With these two techniques in place, you’ll be on your way to making more money from your Kajabi store!

So, what are you waiting for? Start setting up those upsells and order bumps and watch your revenue grow! If you need any further guidance or inspiration, Kajabi has plenty of resources to help you along the way.

Start your 30-day free Kajabi trial today and take your business to the next level!


Q: Can I set up upsells and order bumps on Kajabi for physical products?

A: While Kajabi is primarily designed for digital products and online courses, you can still use upsells and order bumps for physical products by creating a digital version of your product or offering additional resources or bonuses related to the physical product.

Q: How do I track the performance of my upsells and order bumps?

A: Kajabi has built-in analytics that allow you to track the performance of your upsells and order bumps. You can also integrate with third-party tools like Google Analytics for more detailed insights.

Q: Is there a limit to how many upsells and order bumps I can set up on Kajabi?

A: There is no limit to the number of upsells and order bumps you can set up on Kajabi. However, it’s important to keep in mind that too many options may overwhelm customers, so it’s best to test and find a balance that works for your audience.

Q: Can I offer upsells and order bumps on payment plans for my main product?

A: Yes, you can offer upsells and order bumps on payment plans for your main product. This allows customers to spread out their payments while still taking advantage of additional products or services.

Q: Are there any additional fees associated with using upsells and order bumps on Kajabi?

A: There are no additional fees for using upsells and order bumps on Kajabi. However, there may be transaction fees depending on your chosen payment gateway. Be sure to research and compare payment gateways before deciding which one to use for your business.